
I'm a front-end web developer and creative coder based in the Hague, The Netherlands. I studied graphic design in the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, where I quickly got absorbed into the world of programming because of its huge potential as a creative tool.

My practice is mostly focused on crafting engaging web experiences through the use of interactivity, animation, motion design and generative art. I also enjoy developing modular and reusable user interfaces, paying close attention to typography and design principles.


Professional experience
2020 – 2024: WeTransfer

Creative Engineer

Amsterdam, NL

2019 – 2020: Verve

Front end web developer

The Hague, NL

2017: Knoth & Renner

Intern front end web developer

Berlin, DE

2019 – Present: Freelance

Front end web developer

Earth 🌎

2014 – 2018: Royal Academy of Art The Hauge

Graphic Design (BA)

Graduated with distinction

University of Cambridge

Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)


Javascript / ES6, Typescript, Python, Git, Svelte / Sveltekit, Vue.js / Nuxt, React / Next.js, Pixi.js, Three.js, WebGL, Java / Processing


Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, InDesign, Glyphs, Robofont, Ableton Live

Awwwards, 2024

Honorable mention

ilovecreatives, 2024

Site of the week

Lovie Awards, 2023

Websites & Mobile Sites General-Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Gold

Lovie Awards, 2023

Websites & Mobile Sites General-Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: People’s Choice Award

Creative Circle, 2022

Best Online Virtual Experience: Gold

Anthem Awards, 2022

Health, Digital & Innovative Experiences, Awareness & Media: Gold

The Telly Awards, 2023

Fitness, Health and Wellness, Immersive, Interactive, & Mixed: Silver

D&AD Professional Awards, 2022

Digital Design - Health & Wellbeing: Wood Pencil (Bronze)

Creative Review Annual, 2022

Other: Honorable Mention

Fast Company World Changing Ideas, 2022

Art & Design: Honorable Mention

Lovie Awards, 2022

Science, Education & Health: Shortlisted

ADC Awards, 2022

User Experience Design: Shortlisted

One Show, 2021

Experiential/Immersive - Innovation in Lockdown: Shortlisted

iF Design Awards, 2019

Websites, Communication

The Webby Awards, 2019

Honorable Mention

Awwwards, 2019

Honorable Mention

Selected clients
With WeTransfer





Little Simz

Lykke Li

Marina Abramović


Mozilla Foundation





With Verve

De Brakke Grond

Dutch Design Foundation


Museumnacht Amsterdam

Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest

Rialto Filmtheater


Theater Rotterdam


Museum Meermanno

Royal Academy of Art The Hague

Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam



Wild Memory Radio

Wild Memory Radio is a project by WePresent by WeTransfer, in collaboration with Seb Emina. It can be thought of as a kind of gallery, except rather than objects or artworks it contains memories. Each of these memories belongs to a leading creative, cultural or artistic figure, and each is about a place: a specific location that changed that person in some way, or had a lasting impact on their work.

Wild Memory Radio

Lead developer (at WeTransfer)


Awards / Recognitions

Awwwards 2024
Honorable mention

ilovecreatives 2024
Site of the week

Sveltekit,  Javascript / ES6,  WebGL,  Pixi.js,  Sanity

Snap Who

Snap Who is a gamified experience that explores the topic of unconscious bias. Developed in collaboration with the talented illustrator Bijou Karman and sociology professor Karen McCormack, the game presents players with diverse portraits, prompting them to make quick-fire matches and encouraging reflection on their own prejudice and biases. After the game is finished, the users are presented with a wide variety of stats and information about the aggregate results of other players, as well as insights about the user's own choices. Despite its serious subject matter, Snap Who maintains a playful character, blending a 60s-inspired art direction, interactive WebGL animations and bubbly typography.

Snap Who

Lead front-end developer

Website, Wallpaper

Awards / Recognitions

Lovie Awards 2023
Websites & Mobile Sites General-Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Gold

Lovie Awards 2023
Websites & Mobile Sites General-Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: People’s Choice Award

Sveltekit,  Javascript / ES6,  WebGL,  Pixie.js,  GSAP

The Abramović Method
Image showcasing the The Abramović Method project Image showcasing the The Abramović Method project

In 2021, I had the privilege of leading the development of The Abramović Method, in collaboration with renowned performance artist Marina Abramović, the Marina Abramović Institute and WeTransfer. This project that was released both as a standalone website and as a WeTransfer wallpaper, reaching a global audience of 80 million people. The project received notable recognition, including being Shortlisted at the ADC Awards, earning a Gold Award at Creative Circle, an Honorable Mention in the Creative Review Annual, and securing a Wood Pencil at the D&AD Professional Awards. It also received Shortlist positions in the One Show and Fast Company World Changing Ideas awards.

In my role as lead developer, I was responsible for the creation of the entire website as a fully immersive experience with custom animations and interactivity. One of the project's standout features was the custom video player, designed to be fully interactive, enabling users to perform the "Abramović Method" at their own pace from their homes. This video player was designed to seamlessly integrate videos into the website, as well as displaying subtitles with tailored animations and custom type-setting.

The Abramović Method

Lead developer (at WeTransfer)

Website, Wallpaper

Awards / Recognitions

Creative Circle 2022
Best Online Virtual Experience: Gold

Anthem Awards 2022
Health, Digital & Innovative Experiences, Awareness & Media: Gold

The Telly Awards 2023
Fitness, Health and Wellness, Immersive, Interactive, & Mixed: Silver

D&AD Professional Awards 2022
Digital Design - Health & Wellbeing: Wood Pencil (Bronze)

Creative Review Annual 2022
Other: Honorable Mention

Fast Company World Changing Ideas 2022
Art & Design: Honorable Mention

Lovie Awards 2022
Science, Education & Health: Shortlisted

ADC Awards 2022
User Experience Design: Shortlisted

One Show 2021
Experiential/Immersive - Innovation in Lockdown: Shortlisted


SvelteKit,  Javascript / ES6,  Scss

Image showcasing the Textielmuseum project Starting screen of the Design Studio platform.

In July 2020, I had the opportunity to lead the front-end development of the "Design Studio," a platform created by Verve (formerly known as Vruchtvlees) in collaboration with artist Bertjan Pot for the Textielmuseum in Tilburg, the Netherlands. This project brought together a blend of digital and physical elements, offering visitors an interactive experience that allowed them to design and personalize their own custom socks and scarves, and to send these instructions to a textile machine to be knitted.

The platform allowed users to choose from a range of sizes for socks and scarves, and allowed them to choose specific colors for different sections of the textile, and the option to add their own personalized text to the fabric. Once the design process was complete, the program generated an image that was readable by the knitting machine software, enabling the automatic knitting of the textile based on the user's design.


Lead front-end developer (at Verve)

Website, Installation

Vue.js / VueX / Vue Router,  Laravel,  Javascript / ES6,  SCSS,  HTML5 Canvas

Brakke Grond
Image showcasing the Brakke Grond project Image showcasing the Brakke Grond project

Website developed by Verve for the Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond, the Flemish cultural centre that accommodates Flemish artists in the Dutch capital Amsterdam. Additionally, we developed the the narrowcasting shown in the screens of the Brakke Grond building, which displayed a schedule of all the events occurring in the venue.

Brakke Grond

Lead front-end developer (at Verve)

Website, Narrowcasting

Laravel,  Webpack,  Javascript / ES6,  Scss

Dutch Design Week
Image showcasing the Dutch Design Week project Image showcasing the Dutch Design Week project

Website for Dutch Design Week, the largest annual design event in Northern Europe. This project was developed by Verve (formerly known as Vruchtvlees) for the Dutch Design Foundation. The event takes place around the last week of October and is a nine-day event with exhibitions, studio visits, workshops, seminars, and parties across the city.

The website we developed allowed users to access information about all these events, as well as bookmarking them for later reference. My role primarily consisted of crafting templates and modular UI components for the homepage and various pages within the site, as well as working on the animations in the landing page, which consisted of several moving geometries which position would change depending on the date and time the website was accessed.

Dutch Design Week

Front-end developer (at Verve)


Awards / Recognitions

iF Design Awards 2019
Websites, Communication

The Webby Awards 2019
Honorable Mention

Vue.js,  Laravel,  Javascript / ES6,  Php,  Scss

Image showcasing the Literatuurmuseum project Image showcasing the Literatuurmuseum project

In November 2019, I contributed as a front-end developer to the development of the Literatuurmuseum website in collaboration with Verve, formerly known as Vruchtvlees. This project received well-deserved recognition, earning an Honorable Mention in the 2019 Awwwards. The website served as the central hub for the Literatuurmuseum, featuring not only the main site but also a series of "stories." These stories were a collection of web pages dedicated to exploring various authors and books in detail, with custom animations and styling. The website was built using the Laravel framework and Webpack, making use of JavaScript/ES6 and Scss, with the addition of Anime.js for dynamic animations. We aimed to create a meaningful online presence for the Literatuurmuseum that bridged art, culture, and technology.


Front-end developer (at Verve)


Awards / Recognitions

Awwwards 2019
Honorable Mention


Laravel,  Webpack,  Javascript / ES6,  Scss,  Anime.js

Image showcasing the PosadMaxwan project Image showcasing the PosadMaxwan project

In November 2019, I contributed as a front-end developer to the development of PosadMaxwan's website, which was developed by Verve. My primary role was refining the landing page animations and interactivity. I also played a role in crafting templates for their homepage. The project was built using Vue.js and Laravel, and I utilized Javascript/ES6 and SCSS, along with GSAP for animations.


Front-end developer (at Verve)


Vue.js,  Laravel,  Javascript / ES6,  SCSS,  GSAP,  HTML5 Canvas

Theater Rotterdam
Image showcasing the Theater Rotterdam project Image showcasing the Theater Rotterdam project

In August 2019, I contributed as a front-end developer to the development of the Theater Rotterdam website. My role primarily involved crafting templates and UI for the homepage and various pages within the site. It was a rewarding experience to be part of this project and work with the visual identity, which has been awarded with multiple European Design Awards and a Red Dot Design Award.

Theater Rotterdam

Front-end developer (at Verve)



Laravel,  Webpack,  Javascript / ES6,  SCSS,  Anime.js

Image showcasing the Orkest project Image showcasing the Orkest project

Website developed by Verve for the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra, a renowned Dutch symphony orchestra based in Amsterdam. My role primarily consisted of crafting templates and modular UI components for the homepage and various pages within the site, displaying information about the Orchestra, various musicians and an agenda of all upcoming events.


Front end developer (at Vruchtvlees)


Laravel,  Webpack,  Javascript / ES6,  SCSS

Rialto & WCA
Image showcasing the Rialto & WCA project Image showcasing the Rialto & WCA project

Websites developed by Verve for the Rialto cinemas in Amsterdam and WCA (World Cinema Amsterdam festival). Additionally, we developed the the narrowcasting shown in the screens of the cinema buildings, which displayed a schedule of all the movies screening in the venues.


Front-end developer (at Verve)

Website, Narrowcasting

Vue.js,  Laravel,  Javascript / ES6,  SCSS,  GSAP

Artificial Swarm Intelligence
Image showcasing the Artificial Swarm Intelligence project

Advances in the field of artificial intelligence have opened the door to many unforeseen possibilities. One of these is the ability to combine knowledge and data from vast amounts of people into a single combined intelligence. This technology allows us to communicate with a whole website and all of its users merged into one being.

Artificial Swarm Intelligence is an installation focused on content from reddit.com, a website consisting of numerous “subreddits”, which are boards covering a wide variety of specific topics. Several chatbots were trained with data from certain subreddits, such as r/christianity, r/feminism, r/history, r/conspiracy, and r/atheism, among others. This allows the visitors of the exhibition to talk to these websites as single intelligent entities. Additionally, the chatbots are able to speak to each other and exchange information. This makes it possible to simulate the interaction between otherwise isolated internet bubbles.

The installation posed a significant technical challenge due to the need to create a custom interface from scratch. Massive pixel displays like these are not generally designed for interaction, requiring everything to be programmed from scratch, including the user interface, the flow between different functionalities, and integrating them seamlessly with the chatbots. Another technical challenge involved handling the vast dataset of Reddit comments and using it to train the chatbots.

Apart from writing the software and training the chatbots, there was the aspect of setting up the hardware. This involved setting up a Raspberry Pi, soldering custom circuits that controlled a long chain of LED panels, and writing software to properly map the graphics into the chain of panels.


Programming, design, concept


Python,  C++

Changing Paradigms
Image showcasing the Changing Paradigms project Image showcasing the Changing Paradigms project

What we collectively define as truth is slowly but constantly changing. Any work, literary, artistic or otherwise, encapsulates the specific paradigm under which it was created. Diderot and d’Alembert’s Encyclopédie not only gathered vast amounts of information, but inevitably imprinted its unique world view, ideals and beliefs. Likewise, present-day Wikipedia is an embodiment of ideals and how we currently perceive the world.

We are interested in how paradigms change over time and how deeply they can influence the way we think and the content we create. In order to compare the content of the Encyclopédie and Wikipedia, we created an algorithm which analyses the texts and finds the most common word connections in the text, highlighting the central topics of the articles. This way, the user of the website is presented with the main differences between the two texts.

This work was part of the Declaring Reason exibition in the Museum Meermanno. It consisted of 23 installations that raised questions about contemporary political issues, taking six books from the Meermanno collection as a starting point.

In collaboration with Dóra Kerekes.

Design, Development

Website, Installation

Image showcasing the Masterclass project Image showcasing the Masterclass project

In may 2016 a masterclass by Marcel van Eeden and Barbara Seiler was carried out in the Royal Academy of Art The Hague. During this time, a selected group of fine art and graphic design students produced new works that were later exhibited in the gallery of the Academy.

I developed the identity for these events, producing posters, flyers and a box where prints of the works produced by the students were collected and distributed. The main idea behind the identity is layering, representing the collaborative nature of the masterclass.


Identity, Poster

All Rights Reserved
Image showcasing the All Rights Reserved project Image showcasing the All Rights Reserved project

The purpose of this book is to serve as a collection of different thoughts on intellectual property in the digital age and its origins. It does not attempt to convey a single or conclusive statement, but rather to present several ideas in order to incite thought and discussion on the topic. This book however, is not impartial, as it points out that there is a fundamental problem with how intellectual property is dealt with today and addresses several key problems and potential solutions.

This book violates copyright law in several instances. The pages are colour-coded to indicate whether the content is legally used or not. Black pages contain texts which are copyrighted and therefore are used illegally. The content in the white pages are either not copyrighted or licensed in a way that allows free distribution and use of the text.

Design, editorial
